A solo Concert by Johnny Hamil Bass Studio

Sat January 25th, 2025 

Julie Wheeler -Pianist 


Russian’s sailor’s Dance Gliere 

Tightrope  from the greatest showman…                                         

Performed by Faith Lewis 

Solo from Symphony no 1 (3rd mvmt) Mahler 

Music Box Traditional 

Performed by Valentina Ordonez

Are you sleeping? (Aka the Mahler symphony no. 1) Traditional/Mahler 

Happy Happy Leon or paw Patrol pass it game 

I want Cheetoes Traditional 

Performed by Leon Hamil 

Solo from Symphony no. 1 (3rd Mvmt) Mahler 

Shortin Bread variations Traditional 

I want Bass Traditional 

performed by Calvin Norton

Solo from Symphony no. 1 (3rd Mvmt) Mahler 

Carol of the Bass Bells Traditional Ukrainian 

Performed by Aurora Bernstrom 

Sheep May safely Graze JS Bach 

Amazing Bass Traditional 

Performed by Caroline Emmons 

Solo from Symphony no. 1 (3rd Mvmt) Mahler 

Back in Black jam AC/DC 

Performed by Watson Blaner 

Solo from Symphony no. 1 (3rd Mvmt) Mahler Sunshine of your Banana Cream

Performed by Lucy Emmons 

Selection announced from the stage. 

Performed by Parker Bradshaw

Incantation Pour Junon F Rabbath 

Performed by Jack Bradshaw 

A solo Concert by Johnny Hamil Bass Studio

Sat January 25th, 2025 

Julie Wheeler -Pianist 


Scherzo C webster 

Odessee D eau  (Improv) F Rabbath 

Performed by Ishan Jain 

Tears in Heaven Eric Clapton 

Blue Bossa Kenny Dorham

Performed by Tom Hardy 

Sublime jam Sublime 

Stand bass me Ben E. King 

Performed by Angela Penrose 

Scherzo Webster 

Fur Elise Beethoven 

Performed by Char Sadige

Romance is Boring (Los Campesinos) Joe Goggins 

Body And Soul Johnny Green 

Performed by Percy Whipple 

Master of puppets Cliff Burton 

Cumbersome Seven Mary Three Performed by Daryl Covinsky

Rigaoun Rameau 

Impertinence Handel 

Performed by Varun Shaddarsanam 

Nanana My chemical Romance 

The chicken James Brown/Pee Wee Ellis

Performed by Kasper Soria 

Scherzo Webster 

Odes see d eau F Rabbath 

Performed by Anahad Singh 

God Save the Queen Sex Pistols 

The chicken ala James brown Pee Wee Ellis 

Performed by Charlie Column 

A solo Concert by Johnny Hamil Bass Studio

Sat January 25th, 2025 

Julie Wheeler -Pianist 


Body And Soul Johnny Green

Etude Kruetzer 

Billie’s Bounce Charlie Parker 

Performed by Ethan Steiner 

Prelude and Argonaise from Carmen Fantasy Proto

Swallowtail jig Traditional Irish jig Performed by Ephram Newland 

Selction will be announced from stage 

Dance Sugar Plum Fairies Tchaikovsky

Performed by Jonas Vogt 

Waltz Brahms 

Bourree Handel 

Performed by April Richardson 

Bohemian Dance from Carmen Fantasy Proto

Performed by Zack Richardson 

Czardas V. Monti 

Pouchas Dass F Rabbath

The Trooper Iron Maiden 

Performed by Danae Sabinas 

Prelude from Cello Suite no 1 in G major Bach

Prelude and Argonaise from Carmen Fantasy Proto 

Performed by Cash Qualls