Johnny Hamil Bass Studio: Policies and Fees
Contact Information
- Phone: (816) 305-7559
- Email:
Online Presence
- Websites:,
- Facebook: johnnyhamilbassstudio
- Instagram: @johnny4string
- YouTube: @johnnyhamil Contains bass-related content and my podcast, “Jamming with Johnny”.
- I’m happy to add you to any of these platforms as well as my personal accounts. I do not post anything directly about my students unless they are ok about it. I am a positive minded person and strive to reflect that in my posts. I do love using these platforms to help stay connected to students and bass parents alike (especially when they go on to adulthood).
Lesson Fees
- Regular lessons: $30.00 per half-hour, $120 per month
- For students studying George Vance Vol. 3 or higher, an hour lesson is recommended ($220 per month with discount)
- For those not in the full studio program, the fee is $35 per 30 minutes
- All fees are due before the first lesson of the month (pre-paid)
Bass Group Lessons
- Group lessons are part of the studio program. All students are expected to attend the group class, concerts, and workshop events in addition to their private lesson time.
- There is a yearly recital fee of $30 for all students with regular spots in the studio.
Cancellation and Make-Up Lessons
- If you need to cancel a lesson, please arrange a make-up lesson at the time of cancellation.
- If no times are available, you may contact me daily to check for openings.
- Make-up lessons can only be given if my schedule allows.
- Lessons missed without notice will not be re-scheduled and payment is expected.
- Lessons cancelled by me will be either made-up or credited to the next month. When there are 5 lessons in a month, one will be taken off (usually allows us to take off holidays and keep the 4 lessons per month).
Group Lessons and Events
- All students are required to take private lessons and participate in the group lessons.
- There are various levels to the classes and you will be informed of your level at the first lesson.
- If my schedule doesn’t permit the class to meet 4 times per month, you can pay the appropriate amount (i.e. $90 for the month for one 30 min lesson missed).
- We have between 3-5 concerts per year. There is a yearly $30 recital fee that is collected in the fall and runs the school calendar year.
- All students should attend the Workshop and other KCBassworkshop events if possible.
- I teach all ages and levels of students and the exact amount of practice is different for each level.
- I believe that once happiness is found in playing music then natural practice will occur.
- Some discipline is necessary to form good practice habits therefore a clear understanding of what and how to practice should be formed in the lessons.
- The younger the student, the more the parents should be involved in planning for practice.
- The student will need to bring their bass, books (George Vance and Jamming on the bass), and notebook to each lesson.
- It is very important to practice with the recording at home. Other study books and recordings will be recommended on an individual basis.
- To confirm lesson policy agreements, please email the following information to
- Parent’s/adult student’s name
- Student’s name
- Contact emails and relation to student
- Phone number
- Street address
- Please confirm in this email that you agree to the above policies regarding lessons before regular lessons begin.
The group classes (all students should come to 1 group class and 1 private lesson per week)
Anyone can drop into any class at anytime however, I usually do program the class with the students that come on a regular basis. If you are feeling a bit of a lull in your progress come to a few more classes (not just one) as something will happen to inspire you. You are also a source of inspiration for the other students. This helps you become a better at learning to listen to others (something that private lesson cannot achieve). I also love the analogy that if you don’t come to the group classes/concerts it’s a lot like asking me to teach you how to swim without ever seeing you in the water. Im a good teacher so I can do some good things but, there is a key ingredient missing.
Mon vol. 1 5-5:45 (ok technically we usually run til 6)
Tues vol. 2 6-7
Thurs 6-7 vol. 3 and beyond.
Studio Location: 5304 Russell St. Mission ks 66202 (studio door is second one on driveway side). Lessons can be done online thru FaceTime, Skype, or Zoom but in person is always preferred. Any online lesson should prepare and send your performance video before the lesson.
Lessons are either 30 minutes or 60 depending on the level of the student. Main studio hours are 3-10 M-TH and 10am-5 Saturdays. All students should come to private lesson and a group lesson of their level each week. I also do morning lessons for those who are free at that time. Most lesson times are booked for year round.
There are four concerts per year. Two group concerts and two solo concerts. The annual recital fee runs along with the public school year Fall/summer. Fall group concert Sept/October, winter Solo concert Jan (usually set upon the seniors college audition dates), Spring Group concert march/April, Summer Solo Concert June/July (usually before the workshop dates).
Bassmas concert is a weekend in December leading up to Christmas holiday (This is a city wide play along free for all bass players).This concert is optional as many of my students get super busy this time of year. But please make every effort to make it. We usually have an amazing benefit auction for the workshop during this event.
KCBassworkshop is now one of the premier events of it’s kind. People attend from all over the world. But to be honest this week is all for my students. I love to show them off to the amazing faculty and to share the joy we create in making music on the bass. The event has been supported both in participation and volunteer work of hosting faculty, providing home cooked meals, and just helping with various tasks. The workshop is now a 501(3)c and is separate from JHBS so that it can have a larger reach for bass players. I usually remind all of my bass students family that they helped create and sustain it.
Johnny teaches ages 3 and up and uses the George Vance Progressive Repertoire method which is founded on the Suzuki violin method and combined with Francois Rabbath Technique.

Johnny’s Teaching and the Bass Studio were featured on an episode of Queer Eye for the Straight Guy. He felt it was a very great experience in reminding him the power of music in times of loss that his student Rob was enduring. Karamo who led the session mentioned music Therapy and everything fell into place. Johnny still gets a message from someone who just watched the episode…..Pretty fun stuff.

Johnny’s studio was added onto his home and is a perfect place for the sound of the bass, open wide room for learning, and plenty of room for smiles.

Johnny Has 2 large group concerts every year with his studio.