Performance/events schedule

October 5th is first concert of the year group concert

October 12th Bass Day in Lincoln Nebraska with Hans Sturm

Nov. 2nd KCBass Fall district and State Masterclasses 3-8pm @ kc strings with Johnny, Richard Ryan (KC Symphony), and Bill Mckemy (jazz) Please sign up asap.

Bassmas Dec 22nd 1-4 pm @ the Record Bar KCMO


Mon (all 4)

Tues (all 5)

Wed (all 5)

Thurs off 24th (will need to reschedule this week if possible and 31st (halloween) (5 thurs in October)

Sat (only 3 unless reschedule for 12th) 12th is Bassday in Lincoln Nebraska. Come join us for a great wonderful day of bass. I would prefer to reschedule if possible.


Mon all 4

Tues all 4

Wed all 4

Thurs off Thanksgiving

Sat off 30th (thanksgiving weekend) 5 total in nov. so taking this one off.


Mon off 23rd and 30th (only 3 in dec)

Tues off 24th and 31st (3 in dec but use extra from Oct)

Wed off 25th and 1st (3 in dec but use extra from Oct)

Thurs off 26th (3 in dec but will do all 5 in Jan)

Sat off 28th (only 3 in dec)

Jan all days except 1st.

Weekly schedule times Open times are available to any one time lesson and or anyone who would want to take the time for their weekly schedule.

(note: If I do teach before 5 M, T, Th the parents watch Leon while I do so. Sun I only teach if I have to so these are really open times).

4-5 Brandon

5-6 group class vol 1

6 open

630 Justin

7 Arriana

730 Cormack

8 reserve this time for rehearsals for pro gigs.


5 Varum

530 Oliver

6 Group class Vol 2 ( Kids that are already in Middle school orchestra)

7 Ishan

730 Char

8 Watson

830 Anahad

9 Open


1 Tom

130 Angela

2 Darrel

230 Darrel H

330 Danae

430 Aurora

5 Ethan

6 Kasper

630 Faith


730 reserved for rehearsals


5 Cash

6 Group Vol. 3

7 Ephram

8 Alta

830 Logan

9 open


8 Arriana

830 open

9 open

10 Charlie

1030 Erick


1130 Jayden

12 Jordan

1230 Jonas

1 Valentina

130 lunch

2 Parker

230 Jack

3 Caroline

330 Lucy

4 open



6 April

Did you know you can support Johnny’s art with only $3 or 5 per month on his Pateron Page? It seems simple but it goes a long way for Johnny to continue to make original music such as his Videogamesolobass music. This is of course due to the streaming industry doesn’t pay the artists. So please take a moment and see if you can help. CLICK HERE 4 Patreon